• Country: Madagascar
  • Date: Jan 2020 - Jul 2022
  • Program Type: School Health and Nutrition
  • Partner: Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)
This program aims to provide deworming treatment to all school-age children at risk of intestinal worms and schistosomiasis. The Mass Drug Administration (MDA) was complemented by WASH activities and training to enhance mitigation of reinfection of these diseases. Additionally, Dubai Cares supported the WASH activities through Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP).
Direct Beneficiaries


This program aims to provide deworming treatment to all school-age children at risk of intestinal worms and schistosomiasis. The Mass Drug Administration (MDA) was complemented by WASH activities and training to enhance mitigation of reinfection of these diseases. Additionally, Dubai Cares supported the WASH activities through Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP).

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